do this for a thicker and wider back
By: Finley Mcgehee
Have you heard of the V-taper? People are referring it to your asymmetric back, and to achieve this, you need to have a thick back and wide lats. Lats are one of the hardest muscles to progress in the because it's really hard to feel them when training.
They kinda hidden in your body, and they don't really show until you have developed them. People don't know how to train them, so it's best to start training them before they get under developed. For example, the lat pull-down is one of the best movements of your lats, but they are often done with inferior form. I am here to teach you how to engage your lats and start to develop that v taper you have always wanted.
First, when you need to start straight forward with a straight back, a common misconception is that you have to lean back people tend to swing you body with the bar that is exactly what not do. The reason so many people end up doing this is because they go way to heaver and they are ego lifting. When you do this your body tend to do whatever it takes to pull the bar down and it ends up making your form horrible.
What you really want to do is to start with your back straight and the bar directly above your head. pull down the bar towards you, lean back a little and touch the bar to your upper chest. Always doing this slowly and contracting your muscles
As you can see in the photo above, when you are able to perform this correctly, it can take you back gains to a whole other level. You can see how this affects building the wide, thick back that you have always wanted.
One of my favorite videos that will demonstrate how to do this correctly is from Scottfitness. He goes over how to correctly complete these exercises and has three great rules to make sure you maximize your growth on the latpulldwon machine. I really recommend watching him and taking his expertise into consideration.
Another website that used to read about back workouts and the lat pull down is lat pulldown fitness.
I hope you can take some of my advice and implement it in your back workouts. Once you start working on form and being consistent, you will make way more gains by just going as heavy as possible.
(words 369)
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