Avoiding Common Mistakes: Perfecting Your Barbell Row Form

By: Finley McGehee
How to Properly Perform the Barbell Row - Muscle & Fitness


Barbell rows—some people say it's the only back exercise you need. Well, that is not particularly true, but people say that because the range of motion is excellent and it hits a lot of different back muscles at once.

When hitting back, one of the most important points to emphasize is the mind-muscle connection. Since your back is behind you, you can't see it moving. A lot of people end up just feeling this movement in their arms. People tend to do this exercise incorrectly.

Stop thinking you're pulling with your arms; change your perception and evaluate what you're training. You need to realize what you're focusing on. When doing almost any back exercises, you're pulling with your arms, leading to an underdeveloped back because people do the exercise wrong and don't even know.

Mind-to-muscle is the start of optimal progress once you start thinking to yourself, What am I feeling?, everything changes. You need to make sure you are squeezing your back while you are concisely thinking about how your back is moving. The connections you make with your mind and muscles are essential for growth.

Whether you are doing a seated row or a bent-over row, the form is almost the same, except one is seated and one is standing bent over. You want to make sure to always keep your back straight; you never want to have an arch.


Having an arch can lead to severe back issues and cause pain in your lower back. Trust me, I learned the hard way. I was doing this exercise wrong for years, and my back took a major toll.

You want to have a straight back. A tip that helped was to think of pushing the lower back into your stomach. This helped me learn how to keep a straight back and prevent any more injuries. when you start the rowing movement pinch ans squeeze you back muscles, pull the bar back and hit your lower chest, squeezing the whole time and then slowly let the bar down and repeat.

My two favorite websites that taught me how to correct your form are Barbell Rows and CoachMaguk. These two websites have excellent information on how to correct your form and also provide different variations of rows. This will help expand your workout variety and learn different easy ways to train your back in individual muscle groups.

Hope you can take some of this advice, to help prevent back problems and make lifting easier. Try these tips; they will make lifting much more enjoyable and prevent you from getting injured.

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